Ganeshkumar - Chennai

  • Current Position: Digital Marketing Executive
  • Mission: To gain specialized skills in digital marketing, particularly in social media management, to excel in a global role as a Social Media Manager.
  • Vision: To become a recognized expert in social media management and contribute to the success of businesses internationally through innovative digital marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing Course tracking

  • Web Design & Develpment Project

    In Process

  • Google My Business Project

    In Process

  • Whatsapp Business Project

    In Process

  • Google Search Console Project

    In Process

  • Google Analytics Project

    In Process

  • Google Tag Manager Project

    In Process

  • Google Ads Project

    In Process

  • Google Merhcant / Manufacturer Center Project

    In Process

  • Meta Business Project

    In Process

  • Adobe Photoshop Project

    In Process

  • Video Editing Project

    In Process

  • Lead Genenration Project

    In Process

  • Video Production Project

    In Process